CSE 290R: Special Topics

Unit 08 - Game Contest


  1. Experience presenting a game in a professional context, such as a contest or demo.
    1. Present a functional, polished game to an audience of peers and judges.
    2. Reflect on the process, identifying key challenges and lessons learned.
    3. Participate in a game contest, demonstrating professionalism and sportsmanship.


  1. Present and demo the completed game during the contest.
  2. Participate in judging sessions, providing constructive feedback to peers.
  3. Engage in a final class discussion reflecting on the development process.
  4. Rehearse game presentations and demos for the contest.


  1. Final game submission ready for judging.
  2. Contest presentation and demo.
  3. Reflection report summarizing:
    • Engineering challenges and solutions.
    • Key lessons learned and future goals