CSE 290R: Special Topics

Unit 03 - Alpha Kickoff


  1. A completed game project demonstrating technical, creative, and design skills.
    1. Organize and manage file, folder and scene tree structures.
    2. Create and integrate placeholder assets.
    3. Build a functional game prototype by implementing core mechanics.
    4. Implement simple AI or scripted behaviors for dynamic gameplay elements.


  1. Study or review the learning resources as needed.
  2. Create a new Godot game project with folders and core scene files.
  3. Implement the core gameplay loop and mechanics.
  4. Add placeholder assets to set up scenes and test basic functionality.
  5. Begin implementing basic AI and scripted behaviors (e.g., enemies, NPCs) .


  1. Initial alpha version of the game with:
    • Basic gameplay mechanics implemented.
    • Placeholder assets integrated to visualize the game's structure..
  2. Link to the Github repository where you store the code.
  3. A short video walkthrough explaining the challenges and solutions.