CSE 290R: Special Topics
Unit 04 - Alpha Expansion
A completed game project demonstrating technical, creative, and design skills.
- Conduct structured play-testing sessions to gather feedback.
- Refine game mechanics, levels, and usability based on feedback.
- Enhance the game with representative visual and audio assets.
- Study or review the learning resources as needed.
- Conduct peer play-testing sessions and gather structured feedback.
- Iterate on core mechanics and AI or scripted behaviors based on feedback.
- Find or create representative visual and audio elements.
- Begin integrating visual and audio elements to enhance immersion.
- Revised alpha version of the game with:
- Adjustments based on peer feedback.
- At least one fully playable level or equivalent with improved usability.
- Representative visual and audio assets integrated.
- A short video walkthrough explaining the feedback and improvements.