
This is an unofficial listing of the course content for CSE 111 Programming with Functions. Please see I‑Learn for the official list, including quizzes and due dates.

Lesson 1 - Getting Started
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Development environment
Prepare input, data types, arithmetic, f-strings, print, if, logic
Prepare: Checkpoint exercise heart rates input, int, arithmetic, f-strings, print
Teach: Class Activity
(for campus sections)
pendulum input, float, arithmetic, f-strings, print
Prove: Milestone tire volume input, float, arithmetic, f-strings, print
Lesson 2 - Calling Functions
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare calling built-in functions, functions in standard modules, and methods; named arguments.
Prepare: Checkpoint items per box math.ceil
Teach: Team Activity purchase discount selection,, datetime.weekday
Prove: Assignment tire volume, datetime format codes, open, print
Lesson 3 - Writing Functions
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare user-defined function, header, parameter, body, return, main
Prepare: Checkpoint fuel efficiency writing functions, main
Teach: Team Activity fitness: body mass index, basal metabolic rate writing functions, main
Prove: Milestone English parts of speech, generate a sentence writing and calling functions
Lesson 4 - Function Details
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare variable scope, default parameter values, optional arguments, function design heuristics
Prepare: Checkpoint cone volume variable scope: fix a program with a broken function that tries to use variables that are defined in another function
Teach: Team Activity storage efficiency of steel cans writing functions, local variables, calling functions
Prove: Assignment English parts of speech, generate a sentence writing and calling functions
Lesson 5 - Testing Functions
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare assert, pytest, pytest.approx, pytest.main,
if __name__ == "__main__":
Prepare: Checkpoint prefix and suffix pytest, assert, test string functions
Teach: Team Activity given name, surname, full name pytest, assert, test string functions, fix errors in functions
Prove: Milestone Fluid mechanics, water supply system pytest, assert
Lesson 6 - Troubleshooting Functions
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare syntax error, logic error, error messages, print statements, test functions, debugger
Prepare: Checkpoint fuel usage debugger
Teach: Team Activity self-esteem measure debugger
Prove: Assignment Fluid mechanics, water supply system debugger
Lesson 7 - Lists and Repetition
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare Lists, repetition, pass by value and reference
Prepare: Checkpoint demonstration of pass by value and reference
Teach: Team Activity pseudo random numbers lists, append, write a function with default parameter values, call a function with optional arguments
Prove: Milestone molar mass calculator, molecules, elements create and return a compound list, retrieve and print individual elements from a compound list
Lesson 8 - Dictionaries
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare Dictionaries, compound values, find one item, process all items, convert between list and dictionary
Prepare: Checkpoint vehicles in operator, use a key to retrieve a value
Teach: Team Activity family history process all items in a list, retrieve a value from a dictionary, retrieve an item from a list, indexes
Prove: Assignment molar mass calculator, molecules, elements create a dictionary, process all items in a dictionary, retrieve elements from a list
Lesson 9 - Text Files
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare text files, open, for each line, CSV files, csv module
Prepare: Checkpoint Canadian Provinces text files, for loop, lists, append, pop, count
Teach: Team Activity student IDs csv module, dictionaries
Prove: Milestone grocery store csv module, dictionaries
Lesson 10 - Handling Exceptions
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare exception, try, except, else, finally, TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError, IndexError, KeyError, FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, validate user input
Prepare: Checkpoint text file and line number exception handling, FileNotFoundError, ValueError, IndexError
Teach: Team Activity vehicle accidents exception handling, FileNotFoundError, ValueError, csv.Error, KeyError, ZeroDivisionError
Prove: Assignment grocery store summation, round,, datetime format codes, try, except, FileNotFoundError, KeyError
Lesson 11 - Functional Programming
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare higher-order functions, nested functions, lambda functions, map, filter, sort key
Prepare: Checkpoint U.S. phone numbers higher-order functions, map function, read a text file into a list
Teach: Team Activity student given name, surname, and birthdate higher-order functions, nested functions, lambda functions, sorted function, read a CSV file into a compound list
Prove: Milestone
student chosen project
Lesson 12 - Using Objects
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
Prepare creating an object, dot operator, attributes, methods, lists and dictionaries as objects
Prepare: Checkpoint fruit modify a list using object oriented programming
Teach: Team Activity GUI creating objects, accessing attributes, calling methods
Prove: Milestone
student chosen project
Lesson 13 - Student Chosen Project
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics
No preparation content, checkpoint, or team activity. Students work on their own chosen project.
Prove: Assignment
student chosen project
Lesson 14 - Conclusion
Activity Domain Topics Computing Topics