WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

Introduction to the Whitewater Rafting Website


This assignment introduces the course's website project, a whitewater rafting site. The concepts presented aid in the design and development of websites. This course uses a fictitious, whitewater rafting website as a learning project. A completed, reduced rafting site plan is provided for reference.


  1. Read and reference: 📑 The Whitewater Rafting Site Project Description
    This document provides an overview of the project.
  2. Read: 📄 Website Planning Document
    This resource introduces the common components of a website planning document.
  3. Read: 📄 Working with Wireframes
    This resource introduces you to wireframes used in design and as part of the planning process.


Review the Site Plan

Customize Your Website Project: Logo and Style Guide


Create a document and then upload it in I-Learn. Include the following information on the document:

  1. The image file you selected for the site logo.
  2. Write out the color codes for the following colors:
    • primary-color
    • secondary-color
    • accent1-color
    • accent2-color
    and the names of the fonts you chose for the following labels:
    • heading-font
    • text-font
  3. Provide the URL of your color palette from coolors.co. It will look something like this: