WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

W03 Project: Rafting Site – Planning Document


This assignment introduces the whitewater rafting website project.


  1. Project Description
    This document provides an overview of the project.
  2. Wireframes
    This resource introduces you to wireframes, which are used in the planning process.
  3. Planning Document
    This resource introduces the common components of a website planning document.


Review the Site Planing Document

Customize Your Website Project: Logo and Style Guide


In this assignment you will create a portion of the site plan. The items that you will provide include a logo, four colors, two fonts, one for the headings and the other for the general body, and a coolers.co link showing the colors you have selected.

Submit a Word document that includes:

  1. The image file you selected for the site logo.
  2. Write out the four (4) color labels (listed below) with the color codes you selected:
    • primary-color ____________
    • secondary-color _____________
    • accent1-color _____________
    • accent2-color _____________
  3. Write out the two (2) font labels (listed below) and the names of the fonts you selected:
    • heading-font _____________________
    • text-font ________________________
  4. Provide the URL link to your color palette that you designed in coolors.co
    Here is an example URL link:

Do not copy the example site plan for this assignment, use it for a reference to help you complete the required submission items.