WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

W03 Project: Rafting Site – Project Description


The Whitewater Rafting Site Project is a website project that you will work on throughout the course. The goal of the project is to meet the course outcomes and objectives through development specifications that match learning activities and assignments. You will be involved in the planning, design, development, and deployment of your own whitewater rafting site. Some of the pages have more prescriptive requirements that others, and there will be opportunities for you to demonstrate competency and your own creativity.


Example SiteWhitewater rafting is a type of recreation that involves navigating a non-motorized watercraft down free flowing rivers. A rafting company organizes trips, provides the watercraft, life jackets, etc., and typically offers experienced guides to take passengers down a river. The business intent is to provide a thrilling and safe experience to individuals and groups for a fee.

Examples of Whitewater Rafting Organizations

Project Specifications

General Design

Page Specifications

Developmental Specifications

These specifications are driven by the learning outcomes of the course and by specific web design and development concept objectives that are presented in the lessons. Each week as new concepts are introduced, new content requirements will be added to the project. Here are the general, objective-based specifications: