CSE 340: Web Backend Development

Tools and Setup


This activity will help you set up the tools you'll need this semester.


MS Teams, Git, and VS Code (if you have not already installed them)

This course will use GitHub and VS Code. It is assumed that you have already installed these and are familiar with them from previous courses. If this is not the case, please make sure to install and configure them now with the following steps:

Complete the following if not already installed:
  1. Install MS Teams
  2. Install VS Code
  3. Create a GitHub.com Account

You may also be interested in the following Optional resources related to VS Code and GitHub

Optional Review Material:

Required tools for this semester

During this course, you will use a number of tools to run server-side, backend code on your development computer. Complete each of the following:

CSE 340 Specific Tools:
  1. Install VS Code Extensions
  2. Install Node
  3. Install Pnpm Node Package Installer


There is no Canvas submission required for this setup activity. You just need to ensure that you have completed the steps above to be prepared for the upcoming activities.

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