CSE: Microsoft Teams

Introduction to Microsoft Teams


Most of your courses will use Microsoft Teams as it's main communication platform. This document will help you setup and get familiar with MS Teams. Engaging in Teams will be critical to succeeding in your courses.

Teams provides many useful features that include:


Teams can be used in several ways. Directly in your browser (no installation necessary) or via one of the rich client applications provided for Windows, Mac, Android or IOS.

Get the app (best experience) https://aka.ms/getteams. If you are installing on your computer, get the Teams for work or school app.

Access the online version of Teams here https://teams.microsoft.com/.


Make sure you sign-in with your BYU-I login.

For the best experience and timely communications we recommend you install Teams on your computer and mobile device.


To navigate Teams effectively you need to know a little terminology. Here are some concepts that will help you understand how teams is organized.

Video Training Resources

Each of the following topics has several short videos that explains how to use the features of Teams.