WDD 430: Web Full-Stack Development

W04 Group Project: Peer Review with Feedback

This assignment is an opportunity for you to review your performance and the performance of the members of your group.

Please be professional by using respectful language and acknowledge the efforts of each group member. Your review and feedback should be as specific and as constructive as possible, giving examples, and being objective.

President Russell M. Nelson

"My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way. Please listen carefully. “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” that we can say about another person—whether to his face or behind her back—that should be our standard of communication."
President Russell M. Nelson "Peacemakers Needed", General Conference, April 2023

Rating Criteria

The rating criteria help you evaluate your own performance on the project as well as the performance of your group members. These ratings and feedback will be shared anonymously with the corresponding group member, so practice professional candor. You may want to revise your first review after writing it for each group member.

Example Feedback: Marco, if I could give one piece of advice going forward, it would be to make the group meetings a priority. You have amazing contributions when you're present and engaged, so when you miss a meeting without lettings us know ahead of time, it really hurts the group.

  1. Leadership: How well did the group member fulfill the responsibility of team leader if assigned?
  2. Communication: How well did the group member express ideas clearly and foster a productive group climate?
  3. Collaboration: Was this group member able to respond to conflicts or disagreements in a constructive manner?
  4. Contribution: How did their contributions impact the project's overall quality, timeline, or success? You may want to highlight a specific, significant contribution.
  5. Professionalism: How consistently did team members attend project meetings? How timely was the team member in meeting project deadlines and/or benchmarks?


  1. Download the Peer Review with Feedback document (docx).
  2. Review the rating criteria provided.
  3. Rate your own performance for each of the criteria on a scale of 1 (Improvement Needed) to 5 (Excellent).
  4. Give yourself feedback in the space provided.
  5. Then, rate each of your group members for each of the criteria. Add additional tables if needed.
  6. Provide feedback for each group member in the space provided.
  7. Save the document using your name (e.g., wdd430-w04-peerfeedback-StephenGarcia.docx)


  1. Return to Canvas and review the assignment rubric.
  2. Submit by attaching your review document in the space provided.