W06 Project: Rafting Site – Home and Trips Pages
Complete your rafting site project by adding two (2) more pages to the site:
- Home (index.html)
- Trips (trips.html)
"Life is a journey, not a destination. As we travel along life's pathway, we encounter challenges, obstacles, and uncertainties. But we must not permit these to divert us from our destiny. We must continue on, even when the road ahead seems uncertain. We must finish strong."
- President Thomas S. Monson, "Finishers Wanted", Ensign, June 2001
- First, improve your rafting project's About Us (about.html) and Contact Us (contact.html) pages as needed given prior feedback.
- Review the Rafting Site Project Description including the provided home page wireframe.
- Design and develop the two remaining pages for the rafting project.
- Make sure all four pages having common navigation and that all the links work.
- Review the Web Development Standards Checklist and compare each of your pages against the standards.
- In a private browser window, load your site and use Dev Tools Lighthouse
to run a report for Desktop in the performance, accessibility, best
practices, and SEO categories. Review the notes provided.
NOTE: The Lighthouse report will not be assessed by the graders. It is provided as a tool to help you identify areas of improvement. Do not worry about fixing all the issues, just those you recognize.
Testing and Assessment
- All folders and files on the rafting project website must meet the course's naming conventions.
- The validation report at https://validator.w3.org/nu reports no errors for every page.
- The validation report at https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ reports no errors and
only one (1) css file was used for the entire project. - Each page
element has relevant content that is reflective of the page content and the website as a whole on all pages. - Each page
meta description
element has relevant content that is reflective of the page content. - No color contrast violations at the AA level. Use DevTools CSS Overview in DevTools to run the test on each page.
- The Home page contains a hero image with heading, a newsletter, call to action, uses CSS Grid as assigned, and contains the required content.
- The Trips page contains contains the required content.
Full credit consideration requires layouts on these two pages that is beyond a simple, single column layout, is visually appealing, and adheres to design principles of ease of use, uniform alignment, proximity of components, and use of white space.
- Each individual page does not exceed the 500 kB transferred size as reported by DevTools
Network with an
empty cache reload. The focus here is that images have been optimized and that no outside library/framework is
Note that The Google Map in the Contact Us page does not count when measuring total transferred kilobytes per page.
- Use the Validate Links tool found in the Web Developer extension to check that your pages
have working links.
Web Developer Extension - Tools - Validate Links
- Commit your changes and push them to your wdd130 GitHub Pages enabled repository.
- Submit the your rafting project URL in Canvas.