CSE 370: Software Engineering Principles

W01 Setup: Team Sign-up


Learning to work with a team is critical in Software Development. It is one of the most common traits that employers say they look for when they are hiring.

In addition, a fundamental principle of the BYU-Idaho Learning Model is to Love, Serve, and Teach One Another. As you teach and learn from one another, you will learn the material more deeply yourself, and you will develop as a Skilled Collaborator.

For these reasons, all the courses in the Software Development program contain a significant amount of teach one another opportunities. These are carefully designed so that you can teach and learn from one another, but still ensure that you are responsible for your own learning and that you are assessed on your individual mastery of the course outcomes.

Past students often say that coordinating group gatherings was one of the more difficult parts of the course, but they also consistently say that these gatherings were one of the most important parts of the course as well.

Small Group Gatherings

This course requires synchronous weekly gatherings of small groups. These meetings are designed to take approximately one hour. During the meetings, you will follow the steps of a team activity to help each other learn and apply the principle of the week.

You will gather virtually using video sharing software (Microsoft Teams) and are encouraged to share your video as much as possible so that you can get to know each other. Please use Microsoft Teams as the video sharing software for a consistent experience for all team members and so that your teacher can also monitor attendance or join meetings on occasion.

During the first week of the course, you will sign up for a group by choosing your gathering time. Then, you will begin meeting with your group for the first time during Week 02.


Complete the following steps to sign up for a group:

Sign into Microsoft Teams

  1. Install and sign into Microsoft Teams by following these instructions: Introduction to Microsoft Teams.
    • A Microsoft Teams organization has been setup for this course, and you have been added as a course wide member. To access it, you need to install Microsoft Teams and sign in with your university account.
  2. Sign into Microsoft Teams using your university account.
  3. Find the Microsoft Teams organization that matches this course name ("Professional Readiness").
  4. Verify that you can see the general channel.

Join a Group

  1. Sign into Canvas.
  2. Navigate to this course and select the People tab.
  3. Sign up for a group based on your preferred meeting time.
    • The times are shown in Mountain Time, and you will need to account for your timezone.
    • If your desired time is full or you would like to propose another time, you may contact your instructor.
  4. Find and join the channel for your group in Microsoft Teams.
    • The group channel that matches your Canvas group will be shown among the hidden channels at the bottom of the list.
    • Find the appropriate channel and select Show for that channel.
    • You will use this channel for all your group communication for the course.
  5. Introduce yourself to the other people in your group by posting a message in your group channel.
    • Share with your group members where you are from and something you like to do.
    • Feel free to respond to the others in your group as they post their introduction messages.


When you have completed the instructions listed above:

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