CSE 300: Professional Readiness

W04 Assignment: Conduct Technical Interviews


Purpose: Demonstrate your technical interviewing skills.

In an ideal world, this week, you would conduct three technical interviews with real companies. However, because it may be difficult to arrange three of these interviews in person, for this assignment you will instead practice three technical interviews with a Large Language Model (LLM) AI system.

For this assignment you may use any LLM AI system that you like (and you might consider using a variety of them to have a better experience). Some free options include:

  1. Google Gemini
  2. Bing Chat
  3. OpenAI ChatGPT
  4. Claude AI

Progress on your Informational Interviews

As you know, during this course, you need to conduct at least three informational interviews. If you have not already completed these three interviews, you should contact at least five additional people this week.

In your assignment submission, you will report on your progress with these interviews.


First, download the Week 04 Assignment Report document which you will fill out during this assignment.

Conduct Three Practice Technical Interviews

Complete the following:

  1. Complete at least three separate technical job interviews with an AI system. You should spend at least 30 minutes for each interview and have significant back and forth interactions with the AI system (for example, you should answer at least 5-10 questions). If the AI system starts to wrap up earlier than that, you should ask it to give you more questions.
  2. Start each interview by asking this question:
    • Take on the role of a technical job interviewer for a software development job, who is interviewing a new college graduate for a software development position. Ask me questions like you would in a technical interview.
  3. At the end of each interview, ask this question:
    • Thank you. From our overall conversation, what do you think I could do better next time?
  4. Copy and paste the transcript of your three interviews into the appropriate section of the assignment reporting document (for example, Interview #1).
Tips for working with the AI Interview

Sometimes the AI is better than others at asking good questions. Remember, the goal here is for you to practice, not to get it to agree that you are doing a good job. So, you may need to dig deeper or steer the conversation in a good direction to have a good experience.

Here are some general tips:

Reflect on the Interviews

At the top of your submission document answer the following questions:

  1. What was the most important insight you gained from this assignment?
  2. What was the most difficult question you encountered?
  3. What are three things that you can improve on in your technical interviewing?


After you have finished the instructions above:

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