CSE 121B: JavaScript Language

Course Content

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Translate simple, well defined, discipline specific algorithms to JavaScript (Algorithm - a clear and complete set of instructions).
  2. Create functions in JavaScript from well-defined descriptions.
  3. Setup and be familiar with the development environment for JavaScript so you can write code to solve problems as part of courses in your discipline.
  4. Write code using JavaScript specific syntax and style, including comments.
  5. Find help for how to use JavaScript syntax.

Read 📑Course Learning Outcome Descriptions

  1. Week 01 - Setup, Introduction, Variables, Debugging
  2. Week 02 - Operators, Arrays, Template Literals, the DOM
  3. Week 03 - Conditions and Branching, Functions, Array Methods, Event Listeners
  4. Week 04 - Loops, Callback Functions, Objects, JSON
  5. Week 05 - Modules, Fetch, Final Project Proposal
  6. Week 06 - Final Project
  7. Week 07 - Final Exam

Additional Resources
📑BYU-Idaho WDD Learning Modules
📑Mozilla Developer Network - JavaScript
📑Complete JavaScript Tutorial - javascript.info
📑JavaScript Notes & Reference - Wes Bos