W07 Final Project
Prove that you can write a significant Python project that solves a real-world problem and is well organized with functions.
Finish developing the Student Chosen Program program that you started in
week 06. Your program must include multiple functions
that you verify are correct with test functions and
In order to receive credit for this prove assignment, you must submit your program and a report that describes your work on your program. Do the following:
At the beginning of this week, download and save this
file. -
Open the downloaded
file in VS Code. Notice that question #1 in the file requires you to record in a table the time that you work on your program. In order to receive full points for the project, you must work on your program for at least a total of 12 hours (over the whole project). As you work on your program during this week, be certain to record the dates and times and a description of your work. -
Before you complete your program review the assignment rubric in Canvas the grader will use to score your
file and your program. -
Before the due date submit your completed
file, your Python program, your Python test file, and any data files such as .txt and .csv files to the W07 Prove Assignment in CanvasIf your project requires non standard libraries or complex setups, such as a database or external API. Please create a short video that demonstrates your program running. Explain your usage of the external components and how they are used in your program.
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