CSE 111: Programming with Functions

W06 Final Project Milestone


Prove that you can write a significant Python project that solves a real-world problem and is well organized with functions.


Develop the program that you proposed in the project proposal assignment. Your program must include multiple functions that you verify are correct with test functions and pytest.


At the end of this week, you must submit a description of your work, and your teacher or teaching assistant will grade your work according to the following rubric.

Project Milestone

  1. Time—50%: Did you spend at least eight hours on your Python program or test functions during the current week?
  2. Organization—20%:
    1. Is your program organized into multiple functions?
    2. Does each function in your program perform just one task?
  3. Progress—20%: Did you complete some significant part of your program during the current week?
  4. Description—10%: Is the description of your work for this lesson complete and easily understandable? Your description should include the following:
    1. A list of the function names in your program.
    2. A list of the test function names in your test code.
    3. A list of the documentation that you read, the videos that you watched, and the coding experiments that you tried.
    4. A description or list of the work that you finished on your program.

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