CSE 110: Introduction to Programming

W04 Team Activity: Guess My Number Game

Team Activity Overview

For this assignment you need to meet with your team and work together to help each person on the team understand the concepts.

Keep in mind that the goal of this activity is to work together and teach and learn from one another. The vision is to help everyone understand the material rather than moving through it as quickly as you can.


In the Guess My Number game the computer picks a magic number, and then the user tries to guess it. After each guess, the computer tells the user to guess "higher" or "lower" until they guess the magic number.

This assignment is a little tricky, because it brings together many of the concepts you've learned in this course including loops and if statements.

Having the computer pick a random number

There is a random number library included with Python that contains a number of different functions to generate random numbers, depending on if you want integers, floating point numbers, and from different statistical distributions.

The only function you will need from this library is called randint. To use it, you give it two numbers and it returns back a random number in that range. In order to use this function you need to import it from the random library.

The following code shows how to import the function and use it to get a random number from 1 to 10.

import random

number = random.randint(1, 10)
Importing Libraries

When importing code from another library, you only need to include the import statement once in your program, and it is considered good practice to put all of your import statements together at the top of the program. That way, it is easy for others that you work with to see the libraries you are using.

import random

# Lots of other code here...
# code
# code
# more code
# ...

# Then you can call the library function wherever you need it.
number = random.randint(1, 10)

Core Requirements

Work through these core requirements step-by-step to complete the program. Please don't skip ahead and do the whole thing at once, because others on your team may benefit from building the program up slowly.

  1. Start by asking the user for the magic number. (In future steps, we will change this to have the computer generate a random number, but to get started, we'll just let the user decide what it is.)

    Ask the user for a guess.

    Using an if statement, determine if the user needs to guess higher or lower next time, or tell them if they guessed it.

    At this point, you won't have any loops.

  2. The following shows the expected output at this point:

    What is the magic number? 6
    What is your guess? 4
    What is the magic number? 6 
    What is your guess? 7
    What is the magic number? 6
    What is your guess? 6
    You guessed it!
  3. Add a loop that keeps looping as long as the guess does not match the magic number.

    At this point, the user should be able to keep playing until they get the correct answer.

  4. The following shows the expected output at this point:

    What is the magic number? 18
    What is your guess? 5
    What is your guess? 6
    What is your guess? 7
    What is your guess? 20
    What is your guess? 19
    What is your guess? 18
    You guessed it!
  5. Instead of having the user supply the magic number, import the random library and use it to generate a random number from 1 to 100.

    Play the game and make sure it works!

Stretch Challenge

Once you have finished the core requirements, you are welcome to move on to the stretch challenges. These can be more difficult and may require finding solutions that weren't directly covered in the reading. These aren't specifically required for the assignment, but are a great chance to dive deeper into the concepts of the lesson.

  1. Keep track of how many guesses the user has made and inform them of it at the end of the game.

  2. After the game is over, ask the user if they want to play again. Then, loop back and play the whole game again and continue this loop as long as they keep saying "yes".

Sample Solution

When your program is finished, please view the sample solution for this program to compare it to your approach.

You should work to complete this team activity for the one hour period first, without looking at the sample solution. However, if you have worked on it for at least an hour and are still having problems, you may feel free to use the sample solution to help you finish your program.


When you have finished your team meeting, you are welcome to continue working on your own. Feel free to include that additional work when you report on your progress in Canvas.

When you are finished:

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