Sample Solution
The following shows one way to solve this problem. It is not the only way this problem can be solved.
Author: Brother Burton
Purpose: Guess my number game, including the stretch challenges.
import random
keep_playing = "yes"
# As long as they say "yes" we will keep playing
while keep_playing == "yes":
magic_number = random.randint(1, 100)
# this variable will keep track of how many guesses it took
guess_count = 0
guess = -1
# Keep going as long as the guess doesn't match the magic number
while guess != magic_number:
guess = int(input("What is your guess? "))
guess_count = guess_count + 1
if guess < magic_number:
elif guess > magic_number:
print("You guessed it!")
# At this point, they have guessed it correctly
print(f"It took you {guess_count} guesses")
keep_playing = input("Would you like to play again (yes/no)? ")
print("Thank you for playing. Goodbye.")
Author: Brother Burton
Purpose: Guess my number game, including the stretch challenges.
import random
keep_playing = "yes"
# As long as they say "yes" we will keep playing
while keep_playing == "yes":
magic_number = random.randint(1, 100)
# this variable will keep track of how many guesses it took
guess_count = 0
guess = -1
# Keep going as long as the guess doesn't match the magic number
while guess != magic_number:
guess = int(input("What is your guess? "))
guess_count = guess_count + 1
if guess < magic_number:
elif guess > magic_number:
print("You guessed it!")
# At this point, they have guessed it correctly
print(f"It took you {guess_count} guesses")
keep_playing = input("Would you like to play again (yes/no)? ")
print("Thank you for playing. Goodbye.")