WDD 430: Web Full-Stack Development

Group Project: Submission


Finish up the development and deployment of the group project, web application and submit the required artifacts individually including a group video that demonstrates the application.

The group project assignment has three, main purposes that support the course's learning outcomes:


Each student will submit a copy of the group project artifact requirements.

  1. Review the Group Project Description
  2. Finish deploying and testing the application which is hosted on Vercel.
  3. Create a Word document that contains the following submission requirements:
    • the URL of the rendered application,
    • the URL of the group project board,
    • the URL of the group project repository, and
    • the URL of the group's demonstration video which includes each of the group members presenting on camera a portion of the project. The video length should be around 7 to 10 minutes in length.

    Accepted file formats include doc, docx, and pdf.