Group Project: Submission
Finish up the development and deployment of the group project, web application and submit the required artifacts individually including a group video that demonstrates the application.
The group project assignment has three, main purposes that support the course's learning outcomes:
- Develop Software Development Skills: The project has a comprehensive approach to develop a web application using a full technology stack. Your group will develop a workflow in an online, collaborative environment, deploying to the cloud.
- Develop as an Effective Group Member: One of the course outcomes for this course is for you to develop your professionalism and ability to work as an effective group member. This is also a major outcome of the software development degree program. Effective group collaboration is a desired skill that employers consistently list as required of employees.
- Teach one Another: One of the core principles of the BYU-Idaho learning model is to love, serve, and teach one another. By working together, you will learn this material better as you share your new understanding and learn from your teammates.
Each student will submit a copy of the group project artifact requirements.
- Review the Group Project Description
- Finish deploying and testing the application which is hosted on Vercel.
- Create a Word document that contains the following submission requirements:
- the URL of the rendered application,
- the URL of the group project board,
- the URL of the group project repository, and
- the URL of the group's demonstration video which includes each of the group members presenting on camera a portion of the project. The video length should be around 7 to 10 minutes in length.
Accepted file formats include doc, docx, and pdf.