W02 Group Project: Setup, Planning, Theme, and Component Design
For this week's group project, you will meet with your group to discuss the project requirements and scope, setup your project environment, setup group development tooling, and to brainstorm component and theme design.
The group project assignment has three, main purposes that support the course's learning outcomes:
- Develop Software Development Skills: The project has a comprehensive approach to develop a web application using a full technology stack. Your group will develop a workflow in an online, collaborative environment, deploying to the cloud.
- Develop as an Effective Group Member: One of the course outcomes for this course is for you to develop your professionalism and ability to work as an effective group member. This is also a major outcome of the software development degree program. Effective group collaboration is a desired skill that employers consistently list as required of employees.
- Teach one Another: One of the core principles of the BYU-Idaho learning model is to love, serve, and teach one another. By working together, you will learn this material better as you share your new understanding and learn from your teammates.
The ability to collaborate efficiently and united despite physical locations is an essential practice in software development.
Before the Meeting
Before meeting with your group, complete the following individually:
- Complete or have a significant start on the learning activities and assignment.
- Review the project
description and summarize the requirements and scope. Consider the following:
- What is the purpose of the project?
- What are the requirements of the project?
- What are the limitations of the project?
- If your are this week's Group Leader:
- Remind the group members of the meeting time and location at least one day before the meeting.
- Prepare for the meeting by outlining the meeting objectives / tasks.
During the Meeting
- Invite the Spirit: Open the group meeting with prayer and invite the Spirit into your discussion.
- Project Discussion: Summarize the project requirements and scope together.
- Project Repository: The group leader or an assigned group member
creates a public, GitHub repository for the group project.
- In the Project Settings, change the permissions to public.
Only one project is needed for the group project.
- Project: In that repository, the group leader or assigned group member creates a New Project associated with the project repository.
- Invite Members: The group leader or assigned group member invites the rest of the group members to the repository and project by adding them as collaborators.
- Readme: Create a project summary README.md file in the project and include all the group member names.
- Clone: Every group member clones the project to their local machine.
Of course, this means that each group member will need to follow good practice in collaborative project management. Review the basic concepts and workflow from WDD 330 project work.
- Design: Start to identify the color schema/theme, typography, general layout, and
other graphical elements of the project.
Using Tailwind CSS theme or an equivalent CSS framework is not required but a common option. You may choose to use a different CSS framework or no framework at all. In addition, You may wish to employ the use of a design tool to help you plan your theme. Figma is a free, online design tool that is recommended for this course. You can also use Sketch or Adobe XD if you have access.
- Start to identify User Stories -> Work Items using the Project Board. This is just a beginning brainstorming activity for the project given the description and functional requirements. Every group will develop their own working list of work items. At this point the group needs to come up with a least ten (10) items. Of course, the User Stories and detailed work items will be added and/or changed over the next two weeks.
- Group Leader: Select a new group leader for the next meeting.
- Review any individual assignments made during the meeting.
- Each group member will need to submit the following artifacts in a document on Canvas.
- A brief summary of the meeting content including a list of participants.
- The URL of the group project's repo.
- A screenshot of their local group project that was cloned.
- Evidence of the design theme of the project.
- Evidence of work item brainstorming. A minimum of 10 item titles with descriptions is required.