WDD 330: Web Frontend Development II

Week 04

W04 Learning Activities

  1. Deeper into Functions
  2. CSS Animations (transform, transition and @keyframe)
  3. JavaScript Web Tokens

W04 Team Activity: Checkout

  1. Sleep Outside – W04 Team Activity: Checkout

W04 Individual Activity: Error Checking and Validation

  1. Sleep Outside – W04 Individual Activity: Error Checking and Validationn

W04 Individual Task(s): Report

  1. Sleep Outside – Complete at least one task from your team's Trello board.
    This task is in addition to the team and individual activity tasks worked on this week.

W04 Development Documents

  1. Remember to update your development documents that you saved in Week 01 with by adding professional and skills development experiences with evidence.

W04 Final Project: Proposal

  1. W04 Final Project: Proposal