Consuming an API
The purpose of this activity is to introduce an external weather API that can be used to serve up live, weather information based on location and other parameters. We will be using the site API specifications and Fetch to retrieve data in the JSON format.
- Read: What are third-party APIs? – MDN
- Navigate to OpenWeatherMap and enter your city name in the input box provided and click Search.
- Click on the appropriate search result for your own city/town.
- Review the weather data that is provided. You may want to switch to metric (C) or imperial (F) based results using the buttons in the upper-right corner of the search interface.
- Now, navigate to the menu of provided APIs using OpenWeatherMap: Weather API..
- Under the Current & Forecast weather data collection, the accounts that you will be using
can freely use the
- Current Weather Data collection, and the
- 5 Day / 3 Hour Forecast collection.
It is important that you understand that these are the collections that you can use with the Free Account. The others require a chargeable account. There are always limitations regardless of the account so that is why it is important to reference the documentation on any API that you are using.
Current Weather Data API The Current Weather Data page explains how to call the current weather data for one location. Most APIs provide useful documentation to help you use the data. You will find how to make an API call documentation in this document along with examples of responses. - In the Current Weather Data API documentation, find the Call current weather data – How to make an API call section and study the API parameters and examples provided.
- Bookmark this documentation for future reference.
Get an Account
- Navigate to the OpenWeatherMap: Pricing page.
- Scroll down to the Current weather and forecasts collection and find the Free
account column. This account type will be sufficient.
This service is provided under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0). The data is open and licensed by the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
- Click on the Get API Key button under the Free column.
- Proceed through the account sign up directions to get an API key which you will need to
store and keep secure for your use only. This unique key is required in the data requests
that you make to this service.
Do not use other people's API keys. Doing so is a sign that you may not be learning through proven patterns of digesting material and then producing original content, which is essential to your learning.
- Record this API key (appid) in a safe place. You will need it for this activity and for your assignments.
Activity Instructions
In this practice activity, you will create a simple page that displays some current weather conditions for a particular location in the world, Trier, Germany.

- Using Google Maps, find the
latitude and longitude coordinates of Trier, Germany.
- First locate the city on the map.
- On the map, right-click on the city name.
- Click on the latitude and longitude coordinates given. This will copy the coordinates
to your clipboard.
You will not need to be so specific with so many significant digits after the decimal on the coordinates to use the closest weather station. Use two (2) digits after the decimal.
Location Information Check Your Coordinates
Trier, Germany is located at 49.75° N latitude and 6.64° E longitude.
- In VS Code, create a new HTML page in your wdd231 folder.
- Use the following template for the body of your HTML document:
<h1> API Test</h1> <main> <p>The current temperature in Trier, Germany is <span id="current-temp"></span></p> <figure> <img id="weather-icon" src="" alt=""> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> </main> <footer> [Enter Your Name Here] | | CC BY-SA 4.0 </footer>
- Create a new JavaScript file and source reference that file in your HTML file. Make sure you place this file in an appropriate location given the course file and folder standards.
- In the JavaScript file, first select all of the HTML elements that will
need to be manipulated and assign them to
variables.Check Your Understanding – Example
// select HTML elements in the document const currentTemp = document.querySelector('#current-temp'); const weatherIcon = document.querySelector('#weather-icon'); const captionDesc = document.querySelector('figcaption');
- Declare a
variable named "url
" and assign it a valid URL string as given in the openweathermap api documentation that was presented above and bookmarked.const url = '';
- Use the Current Weather API named '
'. - Start a query string with the "
" character as shown in the examples. - Use a
between each key/value pair in the query string in these next steps. - Specify the latitude and longitude of Trier, Germany using the information you have gathered and the examples provided.
- Set the units to imperial: "
" or to metric: "units=metric
" - Provide your API key:
appid=[enter your key here]
- Use the Current Weather API named '
- Define an asynchronous function named "apiFetch()" that uses a try block to handle errors.
- Store the results of the URL fetch into a variable named
". - If the response is OK, then store the result of
conversion in a variable named "data
", and - Output the results to the console for testing.
- Else, throw an Error using the
- Finish off the catch block by outputting any try error to the console.
- Store the results of the URL fetch into a variable named
- Remember to invoke the apiFetch() function with a call somewhere in your script.
Check Your Understanding
async function apiFetch() { try { const response = await fetch(url); if (response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); console.log(data); // testing only // displayResults(data); // uncomment when ready } else { throw Error(await response.text()); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } apiFetch();
- Run the page locally and view the console output. Find the current temperature
) and the weather event description (weather.description
), and image icon reference (weather[0].icon
– 3 characters) in the data.The weather array indicates that there can be more than one current weather event. You only need to focus on the first weather event if there is more than one.
The icon is just a preset code name that corresponds to OpenWeatherMap's library of images which is found at the base addresses of:
Example 10d.png: Rain
(This version allows sizing using @.)
Example 10d@2x: Rain
All these images are .png file types. Here is a link to the documentation about Weather icons.
- Build the displayResults function to output to the given HTML document.
Check Your Understanding – Blanks are intentional
function displayResults(data) { currentTemp.innerHTML = `${data._____}°F`; const iconsrc = `${______}.___`; let desc =[0].______; weatherIcon.setAttribute('___', _____); weatherIcon.setAttribute('___', _____); captionDesc.textContent = `${desc}`; }
These steps are demonstrated in the following web lab with video demonstration series:
Current Weather API – overview, fetching data, and publishing to the page.
- Run this page locally and test the results making sure there are no JavaScript errors and that the current weather data is displayed accurately.
- Debug your JavaScript as needed.
- Share any issues that you have with your group on Microsoft Teams.
Seek Mastery
Update your course home page with weather information.
- Design a weather card or other type of display on your course home page that is based upon your home town or area.
- Navigate to this weather station location map and find the nearest station for your home town or use the latitude and longitude method to identify a station.
- Create a weather card/widget/display of your own design with any available weather information that you are interested in displaying to the visitors to your home page.
- Share your work with your group and/or the class via Microsoft Teams.
- Always be thinking what other improvements could be made to the information displayed.