WDD 231: Web Frontend Development I

W02 Learning Activity: Social Media Meta


Open graph meta tags are used to support the Facebook and other social media crawlers with relevant information including a title, description, preview image, and locality.

"Without these Open Graph tags, the Facebook Crawler uses internal heuristics to make a best guess about the title, description, and preview image for your content. Designate this info explicitly with Open Graph tags to ensure the highest quality posts on Facebook." - developers.facebook.com


Activity Instructions

Watch: Open Graph – Web Dev Simplified

  1. Open your course home page from the previous week's assignment, index.html.
  2. Add these Open Graph meta properties to the document:
    1. title – Your content should reflect the title of the document.
    2. type – The value website would be accurate.
    3. image – Provide an absolute URL to an image that reflects your home town/area.
    4. url – Provide the canonical URL for your page.
  3. Test and review your Open Graph meta information by using the Meta for Developers tool on developers.facebook.com. Make sure any warnings are fixed.

    You can ignore any missing property indicators about using a Facebook App Id,
    e.g., fb:app_id

Seek Mastery

Full credit consideration or "A" level work is defined as representing outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Students should demonstrate diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.

Optional Resources