WDD 231: Web Frontend Development I

W02 Learning Activity: JavaScript Review Exercise


This activity is a review of some basic JavaScript concepts, application, and DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation. JavaScript is a core web technology in web frontend design and development along with HTML and CSS. This course will require the application of JavaScript to meet functional and developmental specifications.


Activity Instructions

As you work through this JavaScript Learning Activity assignment, you will be asked (in step 3) to make a copy (called a fork) of a partially completed CodePen. The JS tab of this CodePen has a series of comments starting around line 22 where you will add or alter JavaScript to finish steps 4 through 10 of this assignment. It's a lot of fun to try and figure them out on your own but if you get really stuck, there are "Check Your Understanding" hints to help you out.

  1. What is the correct HTML markup to reference an external JavaScript file named app.js located in the scripts folder?
    Check Your Understanding
    <script src="scripts/app.js"></script>
    <script src="scripts/app.js" defer></script>

    Where should this script reference be located in the HTML document?

    If we reference this script in the head of the document, we should use the defer attribute given that the script may contain references to the document object that need to be rendered first. The first example given here is a reference that is used at the end of the document, right before the closing </body> tag.

  2. Screenshot of Fork button in CodePen
    Fork button in CodePen
    If you haven't already, establish your own CodePen account at no cost. This will enable you to fork content and construct your own pens (code snippets) for personal reference.
  3. Fork (copy) this CodePen ☼ JavaScript Review Exercise and complete the following:
    1. In your CodePen, change the given date output to this format: mon dd, year (for example, Apr 04, 2024)
      Check Your Understanding
      1. Modify the given variable options object settings.
      2. Change the locale parameter from "en-UK" to "en-US" in the toLocaleDateString method.
    2. Replace this concatenated string using a template literal.
      "<strong>Volume</strong>: " + volume + " liters"
      Check Your Understanding
      `<strong>Volume</strong>: ${volume} liters`
    3. Declare a variable named quantity and assign it the value of the HTML input element with an id of q using the querySelector method.
      Check Your Understanding
      let quantity = document.querySelector('#q').value;
    4. Output this string, "Welcome to <mark>our</mark> neighborhood!", to the first <aside> in the document.
      Check Your Understanding
      document.querySelector('aside').innerHTML = 'Welcome to <em>our</em> neighborhood!';
      Why use innerHTML versus textContent in this specific case? Try It.
      Is is OK to use double quotes to contain the output string?
      Is it OK to use backticks (`) to contain the output string?
    5. Output the returned value of a function named getCelsius to an HTML input element with an id of temp. Feed the getCelsius literal value of 33 (which represents 33°F). The getCelsius function is already included in the provided CodePen code.
      Check Your Understanding
      document.querySelector('#temp').value = getCelsius(33);

      An HTML input element does not have an innerHTML nor textContent property. Instead we can change the value property which is displayed in the input element.

      Seek Mastery

      Full credit consideration or "A" level work is defined as representing outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Students should demonstrate diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.

      • Format the output to include only one decimal place and label it with an appropriate temperature symbol, e.g., "0.6°C" for Celsius.
    6. Select all the div elements in a document and assign the result to a const variable named divs using querySelectorAll. Output to the provided div element with an id of divs in the CodePen.
      Check Your Understanding
      const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div');
      The resulting NodeList is a collection of nodes from the document driven by querySelectorAll. It has a length and is zero-based indexed.
      Seek Mastery
      • Format the output like this (assuming the result was 10): "There are 10 div elements on the page."
    7. Filter an array named citynames to return only city names in the array that start with the letter "C" and store the resulting array into a variable named filterC. Output to the provided div element with an id of c-names in the CodePen.
      Check Your Understanding
      let filterC = citynames.filter(city => city.charAt(0) === 'C');
Example Solution

CodePen ☼ JavaScript Review Exercises Solution Example


  1. Be sure to save your changes and record the CodePen URL. You can always pull it up again from your CodePen account and listing of Pens.
  2. There is no submission requirement at this point.

Optional Resources