Team Project - part 4

Time: 1 hour


This project will be completed in a team of 2 students. After forming your team you will be responsible to plan and complete a web application as a showcase that demonstrates your mastery of the topics taught during this course. Your web application can take many different forms, but there is a list of requirements that each app must include:

  • At least one detailed, validated form
  • Local storage for persistence
  • Fetching data from an API or json file.
  • Drop-down menu
  • CSS Animation
  • Responsive design
  • Good user experience (UX) and accessibility
  • URL parameters (data that is passed from page to page in an app through the URL, for example Send the id of 34 to the code running at page2.html)
  • Use of modules for organization


By the end of this unit (Unit 5) your application should be fully integrated with your API or other data source. You should also have enough code written to make a refactoring pass worth it. Refactoring is the process of reviewing your code to look for improvements that you can make in organization, logic, efficiency, etc.

Pay special attention to the organization of your code. Make use of ESModules and templates to help you organize and write DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code.

This would be a good week to address the URL param requirement.

Keep the requirements list above in mind as you code up your application.

Meet with the instructor

Each unit your team should meet with the instructor to review progress and discuss potential problems. Your instructor will give you more details about how this is to happen. It is your responsibility to make sure this meeting does occur!