Unit 2 Exploration.

Activity Instructions

Estimated Time: 40min

Please explore the following topics in your preferred method. You could use the help of an AI assistant, or you could use other resources online such as Stack Overflow, MDN, or Youtube.

For each topic you have been given sample question(s) to get you started. However you decide to do your research, at the end of each week you should be comfortable answering the questions or talking about each topic. As we move further into the semester you will notice that the *topics* will turn more into *tasks*. "How can I use this thing to accomplish the task I have before me?" should be the question you are asking yourself.

Whether using StackOverflow, Youtube, or an AI assistant, if you ask about accomplishing a task and you get code back you should always review the code line by line to understand what it is doing, and how it works. Then test that code. Don't just trust that it will work correctly.

Keep digging until you feel like you understand the topics and how to apply them. Sometimes this might not take long, other times it could take a while. Keep notes as you do your research. Submit these notes in ILearn.


  • Javascript Fetch:
    “What is Fetch in Javascript?”, “What does it mean to be asynchronous in Javascript?”, “What is a promise?”, “How can I use promises with Fetch?”, “How can I use Fetch to retrieve data from a JSON file?”, “How can I use Fetch to retrieve data from a REST API such as the pokeapi?”
  • APIs (Application Programming Interface):
    “What is an API?”, “How could I use the national park service api to get information about Yellowstone national park?” “How could I use the national park service api to get information about all national parks?”, “How could I use the national park service api to get information about all national parks in a specific state?”