WDD 230 - Web Frontend Development I

Setup: Development Environment

Hosting: GitHub and GitHub Pages


The purpose of this setup activity is to establish a remote repository that will render and serve web pages to clients. This class uses the GitHub platform to host course work and GitHub Pages to render and serve that work to the client request.


  1. A GitHub account is required. If you already have a GitHub account, use it.
    You do NOT need a separate GitHub account for this class. Your account on GitHub can host many repositories.
  2. In your GitHub account, create a repository named "wdd230" (without the quotes).
    Be sure to use lowercase notation.
    GitHub repository names are case sensitive. This lowercase convention is commonly followed in software development and coding communities to ensure consistency and compatibility across different platforms, systems, and programming languages.
  3. Enable GitHub Pages in the wdd230 repository. Go to the Settings > Pages panel. Use the main (or master) branch.
  4. Clone the repository to your local system.
  5. Publishing Process: Open the repository folder in VS Code and test that you can make additions/changes, commit those changes, and push (upload) to your wdd230 remote GitHub Pages repository for public consumption.
GitHub Pages Setup
A review of creating a course repository that is GitHub Pages enabled and cloned locally and ready for building locally and deploying to the web.
Next ➡️ Setup: Testing and Evaluating Your Work