14: Final Project
The final project is designed to be a comprehensive assessment of the course learning outcomes. You will be given content and functional specifications as if you were contracted to plan, design, and build a prototype website for small business.
This individually completed, term project will be of your own design and development. You may not consult nor work with any other individual nor group on the project. The content is fictitious, but the site should be complete without any placeholders. Create a working site containing relevant content. The images and brief verbiage may be referenced from other sources which will need to be cited in a resource reference/attributions page, which link will be located in the footer. This attributions 📄page does not need to be styled.
Sample: Web Frontend Dev Resources
Course Learning Outcomes
- Review the Course Learning Outcomes
- ➡️ Go to the description: ~Scoots~ a recreational vehicle rental company in Cozumel Mexico.
Project Design & Development Specifications
- The project page layouts and style may NOT be an exact replication of your chamber of commerce course project. Plan to demonstrate your mastery of CSS Layouts by doing something different.
- Meet the specifications listed in the course's Web Development Standards checklist.
- Structure the pages with valid, standards-based HTML markup.
- Style the site with valid CSS that does not contain unused and unnecessary (duplicate) declarations and rule blocks nor different selector notations for the same element.
- Style the site so that it is responsive to mobile (portrait and landscape) and larger screen views without violating PARC design principles.
- Style the site to promote a consistent design throughout the website providing ease of navigation and to support a quality user experience.
- Use a lazy loading technique to support progressive design.
- Use the practice of wayfinding to improve the user experience of understanding where a user is on the website.
- Ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors.
- Include a link to the attributions page in the footer if applicable.
- Complete the project by the due date.
- Publish the site to your GitHub Pages enabled wdd230 repo using a sub-folder name of your choosing.
- Do NOT update your course home page with a link to this project.
- In Canvas, submit the absolute URL to this project folder.
This comprehensive evaluation of your website project is a demonstration of mastery of the subject material and the promise of continuing success is subsequent coursework and real-world scenarios.
You will be evaluated on the learning outcomes as well as the dev standards and the project specifications listed above. Use course resources and the feedback you received in prior course work to guide your development. Be sure to review your own work carefully.
- Use the course development standards as a checklist.
- See Assessment Tool and Applied Outcome Descriptions.