WDD 230: Web Frontend Development I

14: Final Project


The final project is designed to be a comprehensive assessment of the course learning outcomes. You will be given content and functional specifications as if you were contracted to plan, design, and build a prototype website for small business.

This individually completed, term project will be of your own design and development. You may not consult nor work with any other individual nor group on the project. The content is fictitious, but the site should be complete without any placeholders. Create a working site containing relevant content. The images and brief verbiage may be referenced from other sources which will need to be cited in a resource reference/attributions page, which link will be located in the footer. This attributions 📄page does not need to be styled.

This is a web course intended to help you learn how to construct websites using the core web technologies of contemporary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Third party templates are NOT allowed. Pages built from site builder software or drag-and-drop tools or that are based on existing sites are not allowed and will lead to a failing grade on the term project.

Course Learning Outcomes


Project Design & Development Specifications



Be sure to review the rubric provided in the project submission area in Canvas.

This comprehensive evaluation of your website project is a demonstration of mastery of the subject material and the promise of continuing success is subsequent coursework and real-world scenarios.

You will be evaluated on the learning outcomes as well as the dev standards and the project specifications listed above. Use course resources and the feedback you received in prior course work to guide your development. Be sure to review your own work carefully.