13: Final Exam Description
The final exam is a comprehensive exam that covers all of the basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript material from the course. The exam is an assessment of concept fluency and mastery of the course material. We need to measure your understanding the the basic concepts presented in the course.
- The exam is closed book, closed note, and closed internet. You must complete this on your own.
- The exam has a sufficient time limit. It is not open-ended and you may only take it once.
You will need to prepare to answer multiple-choice, multiple-select, fill-in-the-blank (writing code), and short answer (writing a complete CSS rule) type of questions about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Prepare for the exam logistics by taking the practice Proctorio quiz in order to ensure your setup.
- Review the code that you wrote for the chamber of commerce site.
- Know the CSS box model.
- Understand common (margin, padding, border) shorthand CSS properities.
Example. Instead of
margin: 1rem 2rem 1rem 2rem
that same declaration could be written using shorthandmargin: 1rem 2rem;
- Review CSS syntax structure, pseudo-classes, combinators, specificity, and pseudo-elements.
- Review CSS Grid and Flex basic structures.