WDD 230 - Web Frontend Development I

11: Chamber of Commerce Website Project


Complete your chamber of commerce project site.


Your final project site should meet the requirements listed in the Chamber of Commerce Project Description.


  1. Review the two rubrics provided in I-Learn for this project.
  2. Validate your HTML and CSS using the ⚙️ Web Developer Extension or equivalent tool.
  3. Test your page in the latest version of your browser in responsive mode using the Inspect Device Toolbar (Dev Tools).
  4. Check for JavaScript runtime errors in the console or click the red, error icon in the upper right corner of Dev Tools.
  5. Generate the Dev Tools Lighthouse report and run diagnostics for Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO in both the mobile and Desktop views.
    It is best to test your page in a Private or Incognito browser window.


  1. Commit your local repository and push your work to your wdd230 GitHub Pages enabled repository on GitHub.
  2. Submit your chamber project home page URL in I-Learn.