WDD 230: Web Frontend Development I

07: Chamber Discover Page


The chamber discover page promotes the area in which your chamber of commerce is located through demographic content, statistics, and area imagery. The purpose of the page content is to provide factual and representative information about the area including demographics and features that appeals to prospective chamber members and visitors.


You will be responsible to design a sidebar layout and use lazy loading while meeting the listed functional and development specifications.

Wireframe example of sidebard layout.
  1. Copy your existing home page (index.html) and rename it "discover.html" in the chamber folder.
  2. Preserve the header, navigation, and footer content, and erase the content in the main area of the page.
  3. Do not add new CSS files to support this page. Use your existing CSS and then add or modify rules and declarations as needed.
  4. Use CSS Grid to create a sidebar layout of your own design. The mobile view should be a single column layout.
  5. The sidebar content can be anything that provides information to the users such as demographics, statistical data, events, attractions, and/or a calendar, etc.
  6. The main area will contain local photos of interest. At a minimum six (6) images are required. Each image should be optimized in terms of file size and captioned.
  7. The images must not load until the user scrolls. Use a lazy loading technique to accomplish this feature.
  8. Using localStorage to store the latest visit date by the client, display one of three possible messages about the time between page visits in the sidebar content area.
    • If this is the user's first visit, display "Welcome! Let us know if you have any questions.".
    • If the amount of time between visits is less than a day, display "Back so soon! Awesome!".
    • Otherwise, display the number of days in a message like this: "You last visited n days ago.", where n is the actual, whole number of days between visits. If the number of days is 1, then change the language to "day" not "days".
    Hint: Store the current date using Date.now(). This will store a date in milliseconds as demonstrated in this ⚙️ CodePen example.
  9. Use a CSS property effect whenever a user hovers over the images in the gallery with their mouse. This effect design is your choice. Do not apply this effect to the images in the mobile view.
    ⚙️CodePen: Example Image Effects

    The first image responds to the hover event.

  10. Continue to update your chamber site home page and consider the feedback that you received last week. The complete site is due by end of lesson 11.



  1. Commit and push your work to your wdd230 GitHub Pages enabled repository.
  2. Submit your course home page URL.