W05 Learning Activity: HTML Forms
In WDD 130, you were introduced to the basic concepts of frontend form design. In this activity, you will continue the discussion and application by diving deeper into form design and development.
"The <form> HTML element represents a document section containing interactive controls for submitting information." – MDN
Course Learning Outcomes
- Develop responsive web pages that follow best practices and use valid HTML and CSS.
Forms provide an interface for users to communicate and provide information to the site or application. This class focuses on the frontend design of forms and does not work on the processing of the form inputs.
- Read: General Accessibility Guidance for Forms – designsystem.digital.gov
- Read: Learning about HTML Form Attributes – sitepoint.com
This CodePen ☼ – Form Input Pattern Testing provides a simple interface for testing form input patterns.
In this activity, you will create a form using several different form elements for developmental practice. Form design best practices and principles are demonstrated. The activity will prepare you to design and develop a form for the project.
This video series will provide you with important information and examples about form design principles that focuses on user interaction and experience. Do not skip any of the videos in the series. You may elect to run the videos at your desired speed.
During the third video, download the compressed start file (in zip format) and follow along in your own editor.