W05 Learning Activity: JavaScript Callback Functions
Callback functions are a powerful feature of JavaScript, widely used in the language itself and in the browser. They are used to handle events, process data, and control the program's flow.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate proficiency with JavaScript language syntax.
- Use JavaScript to respond to events and dynamically modify HTML.
- Reference Callback Functions – MDN
- Read and then ponder this article, which demonstrates the use of callback functions: Callback with built-in functions – devgenius.io
Activity Instructions
Given these function declarations:
function calculate(a, b, callback) {
callback(a + b);
function displayResult(result) {
console.log('The result is: ' + result);
- Call a function named
and pass it the arguments to support the console output of the following equation:2 + 3
. You need to pass three arguments to thecalculate
function.Check Your Understanding
calculate(2, 3, displayResult)
A common use of a callback functions in JavaScript is for asynchronous operations, such as handling events or making asyncchronous requests. Here is a simulated example:
function fetchData(callback) {
// using setTimeout to simulate fetching data from a server
setTimeout(() => {
// This calls the 'callback' function and passes data to it.
callback('Data has been fetched');
}, 2000); // This simulates a 2-second delay from a service.
// function that processes the data
function processData(data) {
console.log("Data received:", data);
// Call the fetchData function and pass the processData function as an argument.
The fetchData function simulates fetching data from a server by using the setTimeout function to create a 2-second delay. After the delay, it calls the provided callback function, passing the string 'Data has been fetched' as an argument. In this context, the processData function is passed as the callback to fetchData, and it logs the received data to the console when called.