WDD 131: Dynamic Web Fundamentals

02 Learning Activity: JavaScript Debugging


Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in your code. This is an essential skill for any developer. You will learn how to use the browser's DevTools to debug your JavaScript code.


Types of Errors

There are three types of errors that you will encounter when writing JavaScript code:

Activity Instructions

This activity focuses on debugging techniques for the browser.

Setup Files

  1. In your week02 subfolder, add a file named "debugging.html".
  2. In the debugging.html file, type ! and then press the tab key on your keyboard. This action will automatically add the basic components of an HTML document.
  3. Add a subfolder named "scripts" to the week02 folder, add a file named "debugging.js".
  4. In debugging.html file, add a script reference to the debugging.js JavaScript file.
    Check Your Understanding
    <script src="scripts/debugging.js" defer></script>


  1. Add the following elements to the HTML body of your debugging.html page:
    <h1>JavaScript Debugging using DevTools</h1>
    <p>Area of circle with radius <span id="radius"></span>: <span id="area"></span></p>


  1. Add the following JavaScript statements to your debugging.js file:
    const radiusOutput = document.getElementById('radius');
    const areaOutput = document.querySelector('area');
    let area = 0;
    const PI == 3.14159;
    const radius = 10;
    area = PI * radius * radius;
    radiusOutput = radius;
    areaOutput = area;
    radius = 20;
    area = PI * radius * radius;
    radiusOutput = radius;
    areaOutput = area;


Video Demonstration: ▶️ Debugging JavaScript using DevTools Activity Walkthrough - [ 5.56 minutes ]

  1. Using Live/Five Server, open your debugging.html file in a browser.
  2. Open the browser's DevTools and open the the Console tab.
    Screenshot of DevTools JS error icon in menu
    DevTools Console
  3. Note any redlined errors in the DevTools console and outlined in Console window. These are syntax or runtime errors. This errors will stop your code from running until they are fixed.
  4. Fix the first error outlined in the debugging.js file. The image below indicates that the error is on line 6 (debugging.js:6)
    Screenshot of DevTools console with syntax error
    The comparison operator is confusing the compiler. In VS Code, remove the extra equal sign.
    const PI = 3.14159;
  5. In your localhost browser session, refresh the page and check the console for the next error.
    Screenshot of DevTools console with syntax error
    This error is referring to the issue of trying to assign a value to an HTML element. This might be confusing given the error message says "Assignment to constant variable". Change the line of code for both elements to use the textContent property.
    radiusOutput.textContent = radius;
    areaOutput.textContent = area;
  6. In your localhost browser session, refresh the page and check the console for the next error.
    Screenshot of DevTools console with syntax error
    This error's message is accurate. The code is attempting to assign a new value to the radius variable which was declared as a constant. Change the variable declaration to a let instead of const.
    let radius = 10;
  7. Fix any other errors found in the console.
  8. After you get output to the page that seems correct, open the Sources panel in DevTools.
  9. Practice "step debugging" through the JavaScript code by setting a breakpoint - click on the line number where you want to execute a pause in the program.
  10. Refresh the page to trigger the code to run again. The body will be grayed out and indicate that the page load was "Paused in debugger"
    Screenshot of DevTools Paused in debugger
  11. Use the Step →• button to move through the code line by line.
    Screenshot of DevTools debugger step button
  12. At any time you can pass your mouse over a variable to view its current assignment value.
  13. Continue to step through the code until you have a good understanding of how the code is executing.