WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

W06 Learning Activities: WDD Careers


In this activity, you will research current job descriptions in the field of web design and development, preferably in your region, using appropriate search terms. The goal is to provide context to the value of continuing your development and learning in areas of interest and market demand.

Activity Instructions

  1. Navigate to LinkedIn Job Search or an equivalent job search site.
  2. Find a full-time job description in your area or that allows remote workers that has one of the following acceptable titles or portion of the title in it. Filter your search to only return jobs for internship, entry-level, or junior level positions if possible.
    • Web Developer
    • Web Designer
    • Front-end Developer
    • Front-end Designer
    • Front-end Engineer
    • Front-end Architect
    • SEO Analyst
    • SEO Specialist
    • SEO Manager
    • SEO Director
  3. Using the course's Microsoft Teams Week 06 - Share Job Listing channel, post a summary of the job listing by providing the following information:
    • Job Title
    • Company Name
    • Location
    • Job Description
    • Required Competencies
  4. Comment on your peers post pointing out job descriptions that are of interest to you and what is common between the list requirements per job title/role.