WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

File and Folder References


This activity will summarize the important aspects and principles of linking content within anchor, image, and link element attributes. It will also discuss CSS URL parameters. Understanding these principles is an essential component of web technology and usability.

"A website consists of many files: text content, code, stylesheets, media content, and so on. When you're building a website, you need to assemble these files into a sensible structure on your local computer, make sure they can talk to one another, and get all your content looking right before you eventually upload them to a server. Dealing with files discusses some issues you should be aware of so you can set up a sensible file structure for your website." - MDN


Absolute URL References

An absolute URL is a complete URL that includes the protocol, domain, and path. For example, the following is an absolute URL to the BYU-Idaho about us page where https is the protocol, byui.edu is the domain and about is the path:

<a href="https://www.byui.edu/about/" target="_blank">BYU-Idaho</a>
The target attribute allows you to specify to open up the link in a new tab with the _blank value. Normally that should be left up to the user, who can open any link in their browser in a new tab, new window, private/incognito window, etc.

Relative References

A relative URL is a reference that is relative to the current page. You have to have knowledge of the file and folder structure of the site in order to write these references correctly. The following examples show how to write a relative URL reference from the index.html page located inside the products folder (as shown in Figure 1):

Sample File / Folder Structure for Illustration
Figure 1: Example File Structure
Image File in the images Folder Reference

We use ../ syntax to let the browser know that we want to go up one directory and out of the products folder. In this case we are going up to the assets folder and targeting an image inside of the images folder.

<img src="../assets/images/cele2935.webp">
File in the Same Folder Reference
<a href="product.html">Wiget</a>
File in the Parent Folder Reference
<a href="../products.html">New Products</a>
File in the Sibling Folder Reference

This reference will automatically load the default file in the services directory, which is index.html. We do not need to reference index.html files, just their directories.

<a href="../services">Services</a>
Element on the Same Page
<a href="#section-six">Section Six of the Report</a>

Optional Resources