WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

CSS Layouts: Float


The CSS float property should be used for specific purposes and not for general layout on a page. CSS Logo with a float: right declaration. For example, floating related images inside containers with paragraph or other article content would be appropriate. The float property has been used for larger schemed layout purposes but should be replaced with modern, more robust CSS layout methods which will be presented later in the course.

"The float CSS property places an element on the left or right side of its container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it. The element is removed from the normal flow of the page, though still remaining a part of the flow (in contrast to absolute positioning)." - MDN


float: right;
margin: 20px;

CSS Float is a property that can be applied to elements to remove them from the normal flow of the page and allow other elements to wrap around them. The float property can be applied to block-level elements and inline elements. The float property can be set to left or right to move the element to the left or right in the document flow. For example, this code block in this paragraph is floated to the right and contains a shorthand margin declaration that applies a margin on all sides of the element.

Activity Instructions

  1. In the MDN article on CSS float, use the Try it editor to view the effect of applying a float to the box with a float: left; and a float:right;.
  2. In this example, ⚙️ CodePen: Float Example to which HTML element was the float applied? Adjust the rendered output screen to a smaller width to see the effect of the float on the other content on the page.

    The float was applied to the img element that was embedded inside the div element (with the class of col1). The effect of the float on the other elements and text node on the page is that the img element is removed from the normal inline flow of the page and the p and footer (which is outside of the div) content was moved to available space around the inline img element.

  3. In the same CodePen, what would happen if you applied the clear: both; property to the footer?

    The footer element content would move back to the normal flow in relation to the floated img.

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