ITM 111: Introduction to Databases

W04: Activity (1 of 2): Querying Databases

This activity will install the course database. This database will be used throughout the remainder of the semester. You will use this database to learn to query tables.


  1. Setup the databases you will need for assignments for the remainder of the course.
    1. Download the database script dump file dump file.
    2. This file is compressed, you will need to extract the .sql file from the zip archive. The extracted file will be named db-intro-database-setup.sql.
    3. Open the db-intro-database-setup.sql file from MySQL Workbench with File 'Open SQL Script' and run all the code (you can use the regular lightning bolt)
    4. This is a very large file, it may take a while. Even scrolling through the file may freeze up your computer for a moment, this is normal.
    5. One of the new databases is the v_art database, this is provides so you have correctly entered data for this activity.
    6. The Drop Statements inside this dump file will delete any previous databases of the same names if you have downloaded and run this file before.
  2. The bike database will also be downloaded from step 1, so you have correctly entered data for this activity.
    1. Follow along with the video by typing and running all the queries.

      The first part of the video has you create the database, you will have already completed that from the above step.

      (36:41 mins, Single Table Queries Transcript)

  3. You will need the information from the video to help with Saturday's assignment.


There is no submission for this activity, however make sure you typed and ran all the queries in the video.

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