CSE 450 - Machine Learning & Data Mining

Module 04 — Neural Networks

Clustering Photo by Akshay Nanavati on Unsplash


The objective of this module is to provide a real-world scenario in which you can practice using Neural Networks.

Estimated Reading Time

Plan on around 120 - 240 minutes for this preparation reading, which consists of online reading and videos.

Theory vs Practice

There is a lot of content to read this week. For the sake of the preparation quiz and Friday's discussion, you should go through everything in the Theory section below.

The items in the Practical section are things you'll want to go through before you start in on the actual case study work on Monday.

Preparation Reading

Lots of Vocabulary

You will likely come across a lot of new vocabulary as you study neural networks.

This resource from Google provides a nice reference.

Reading Part 1 - Theory

This video from MIT does a great job of introducing all of the high level concepts of how neural networks work, and how they can be used to solve machine learning problems.

The following three videos give another perspective about neural networks and go into a bit more detail on gradient descent and back propagation:

Reading Part 2 - Practical

Going Further

There is a lot of information on neural networks. It's an extremely popular area of research right now. Here are some good resources if you want to going further: