CSE 372: W03 Reading

In Week 02, you were assigned to a team and to a Community of Practice (CoP). Your reading assignment this week will vary depending on your assigned CoP.


One of the primary responsibilities of a team lead is be involved in the performance evaluation process. Please read the following article to learn more about this process:

R. Knight, "Delivering an Effective Performance Review," Harvard Business Review. Nov. 2011. [Online] Available: https://hbr.org/2011/11/delivering-an-effective-perfor

A second major responsibility is to facilitate communication between team members and with the rest of the organization. Please read the following article to learn more about this process:

Forbes, "Ensure Effective Communication With Each Of Your Team Members With These 11 Tips". Forbes Communications Council. Sep. 2021 [Online] Available: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2021/09/03/

Learn more about the role of the PM and the team leads here.

SCRUM Master

The SCRUM master facilitates the SCRUM process and keeps the team running smoothly. Some classes that have larger teams will have a person specifically assigned to be a SRCUM master. Other classes with smaller teams will rely on the team lead to perform SCRUM responsibilities. Whether you are the SCRUM master or a lead fulfilling this role, please read the following:

M. James and L. Walker, "Scrum Reference Card," 2021. [Online] Available: https://scrumreferencecard.com/scrum-reference-card/

Learn more about the role of the SCRUM Master here.


One of the biggest challenges of the editor(s) is to figure out the document workflow. In other words, how are edits from the individual team members going to flow into a single cohesive final document? There are many decisions that the editors need to make, the main begin which strategy will be employed (group single-author, sequential, parallel, horizontal-division, or stratified-division). This document is huge, but very worthwhile. It discusses all the decisions the editors probably didn't even realize they need to make.

P. Lowry, A. Curtis, and M. Lowry, "Building a Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Collaborative Writing to Improve Interdisciplinary Research and Practice," Jan. 2004. [Online] Available: http://job.sagepub.com/content/41/1/66.full.pdf

Learn more about the role of the Editor here.


The Q/A team is responsible for finding defects and reporting on the overall quality of the project. In order to do this, it is helpful to know how to write an effective defect report (bug report). The following brief article lists some things you should be thinking about:

Reichert, A, "How to Write Effective Software Defect Reports". TechBeacon. Sep. 2021 [Online] Available: https://techbeacon.com/app-dev-testing/how-write-effective-software-defect-reports

Learn more about the role of the Q/A here.

Technical Specialist

Technical specialists are usually assigned an area of expertise. It is the specialist's responsibility to become the project expert in this area, knowing more about it than anyone else on the team.

Learn more about the role of the Technical Specialist here.