CSE 341: Web Services

W07 Final Project Part 3: Finish Project


Purpose: Gain experience working in a team as a backend developer.

Project Requirements:

You get to choose what this project is, but it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be sure to review the rubric in Canvas to see how you will be graded on this assignment. Please follow the rubric as you record your video to ensure you get all points covered.
  2. Database should store at least 4 collections
  3. At least one collection should store documents that have 7 fields or more
  4. Node project successfully connects to MongoDB
  5. API routes perform GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests that are fully functional
  6. All routes should include error handling and POST and PUT routes data validation
  7. All GET routes should include unit tests
  8. Project must use OAuth to handle authentication and user management.
  9. API Documentation is professional, comprehensive, relevant, accurate, and functional as a REST client.
  10. API is published to Render and can be accessed at this route: '/api-docs'
  11. Each Team member document two individual contributions toward the weeks deliverables
  12. Your Swagger documentation should be published to Render and available at the following route: /api-docs.
  13. Create a 5 to 8 minute video that goes through the items in Rubrics. Upload it to YouTube. This can be an done as an individual or as a team. If as a team the student must be present in the meeting the recording is taking place or a zero will be assigned. Videos longer than the alloted time will receive a zero and will be asked to resubmit.
  14. Submit the following links in Canvas: GitHub repo, Render site, and YouTube video.
  15. The team should use the same render and github repository throughout the team project for example: https://cse341-code-student.onrender.com//api-docs

Assignment Description

For this assignment, your team will complete your final project.


When you have finished your project, make sure to:

Other Links: