W04 Learning Activity: OAuth
Welcome to Week 04! This lesson focuses on authorization, and how to use OAuth to effectively authenticate users.
Topics for this lesson:
- Authentication Overview
- OAuth Introduction
- OAuth2 vs OAuth1
- Getting started with OAuth
- Node.js API + OAuth + MongoDB
- OAuth and Swagger
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- JWT meets OAuth
Learning Material
Resources for this lesson are accessible to you in this repository
Authentication Overview
OAuth Introduction
OAuth2 vs OAuth1
Getting started with OAuth
Node.js API + OAuth + MongoDB
OAuth and Swagger
Additional Topics (Not required)
The following topics may be of interest, but are not required. You are not required to use JWTs at all in this course, but it is important for you to be at least somewhat familiar with what they are and why they exist. In fact, many OAuth providers use JWTs behind the scenes to make their services work. With that said, JWTs are a large focus point in CSE340. The following resources are here to simply introduce you to these concepts, and also to help you see how JWTs and OAuth can be used together.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
JWT meets OAuth
For the sake of authentication purposes, your API does not need to use both OAuth and JWTs. For your project, you will include both just to understand how both work. With that said, there are some use cases for using both in the real world.
When you have completed all of the learning activities for this week, you will return to Canvas and submit the associated quiz there.
Other Links:
- Return to: Week Overview | Course Home