W03 Team Activity: Mongoose
Purpose: Gain exposure to Mongoose, which is widely used in industry in association with MongoDB.
Your team assignment this lesson will give you experience working with a complete RESTful API that uses MongoDB and Mongoose.
- You may use the code from your completed Week 01-02 project, or from this repository.
- Have a member of your team set up the MongoDB connection.
- Discuss as a group what validation and what types of error handling could be added to the API.
- Add error handling and validation to each route.
- Use a REST client to test your routes as you work.
- Once completed, compare your approach to the sample solution below.
- Use the Canvas quiz to report your participation in this activity.
Sample Solution
Once you have completed the steps above, review the sample solution below and compare/contrast your approach.
When you have finished your team meeting:
- Return to Canvas to take the quiz.
Other Links:
- Return to: Week Overview | Course Home