CSE 340: Web Backend Development

Project: Additional Enhancement


For your project work this week, you will add something additional to the application.


Throughout this course you have been given very explicit directions on what to add to your project. For this final week, you get the opportunity to add something of your own choosing to the application. This is your chance to bring together and apply everything you have learned in the course.

The enhancement you choose to add to the project is up to you. But it should meet the following guidelines:

  1. Database interaction: Your enhancement should interact with the database in some way. This might include a new table, or it might involve updating or querying the existing tables.
  2. Model: Your enhancement should involve the creation of new model or add additional behaviors to an existing model.
  3. Controller: Your enhancement should involve the creation of a new controller or add additional behaviors to an existing controller.
  4. View: Your enhancement should involve the creation of at least one new view or add additional behaviors to existing views.
  5. Best Practices: Your model, view, and controller code should follow all the best practices you have learned such as using SQL prepared statements, validating data, and handling errors appropriately.


When you have finished this assignment make sure to:

  1. Push your code to GitHub.
  2. Deploy your project to Render.
  3. IMPORTANT!: Be sure to include in your submission comment a description of what you added and steps to navigate to it. The graders may give a score of 0 and return it for resubmission if this is missing.
  4. Return to Canvas to submit your links.

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