CSE 340: Web Backend Development

Team Activity: Debugging MVC


For this activity you will practice debugging as a team. Keep in mind that the goal here is to develop the skills to track down a problem, not to simply get to the end of this assignment.

Working as a Team

This activity is designed to be completed as a team. There are two main purposes for this:

  1. Develop as a Professional: One of the course outcomes for this course is for you to develop your professionalism and ability to work as an effective team member. This is also a major outcome of the complete program, and it is a skill that employers consistently list as one of the most important traits they are looking for.
  2. Teach one Another: One of the core principles of the BYU-Idaho learning model is to love, serve, and teach one another. By working together, you will learn this material better as you share your new understanding and learn from your teammates.


Follow each of the steps described below.

Discussion Questions

There are several places in this activity that ask you to discuss questions as a team. The Lead Student should ask the question and then you should discuss the question together. Please note that you will need to respond to each of these questions in a quiz at the end of this activity.

Take time to help each other

Remember that each person will complete these steps for their own server. But do not proceed to the next step until each person has successfully completed the task.

Prepare for the meeting

Prepare for the team meeting by doing the following prior to the meeting:

  1. Complete your personal learning activities.
  2. Verify with your team when you will be meeting and who will be the lead student.

Begin with Prayer

The Lead Student asks someone to pray.

Activity Instructions

Follow the procedure described in the following activity:

These instructions mention finding another person to pair up with. For this activity, you will complete it with your entire group. Take turns where each person gets to introduce the bug, then, the rest of the team can work together to try to find it. Make sure that each person gets a chance to introduce at least one bug.

Discuss as a group

Discuss the following questions as a group:

  1. Which of the bugs introduced in this activity was the most difficult to track down? Why was it harder than the others?
  2. What kind of bugs do you think will be the most common in an MVC application?
  3. What was the most important thing you learned from this activity about tracking down bugs?


As you finish your team meeting, make sure to determine the person that will be the lead student for the next meeting.


At the end of your team activity, each person needs to individually do the following:

  1. Make sure your web application is working.
  2. Deploy your application.
  3. Commit and push your code to GitHub.
  4. Return to Canvas to take the team activity quiz.

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