GitHub Starter
To speed up the process of getting our class application underway, a GitHub repo has been created that contains some folders and files. In this activity, you'll create a new repo with pre-existing content.
This video shows how to delete a GitHub repository, as well as how to create a repository using a template (which is what you are doing in this activity). You do not need to delete, prior to using the template. Watch the video to obtain a general idea, but follow the written steps to complete the activity. This is the Transcript of the video.
A GitHub repo can come in different configurations. The starter code is in a "template" configuration. This means it's intended to be downloaded, not developed directly. Let's go get it, and integrate it now.
- Go to the CSE 340-starter repo on GitHub.
- Make sure you are logged in to GitHub. If you are not, do so!
- Click the "Use this template" button and select "Create new repository". If you don't see the "Use this template " button, it is because you are NOT logged in.
- You will be taken to the "Create a new repository" setting in your own account.
- Follow the same process you have used in previous classes to create and then clone the repo to your own computer.
- In the next activity we'll take a look at what you just added and why.
The addition of these folders and files should provide a base to build on as the course progresses.