The noValidate bookmarklet is a very small piece of JavaScript that can be added to a browser's bookmark bar in order to disable client-side data validation in forms. To install the tool, navigate your browser to the noValidate activity, locate and drag the bookmarklet to the bookmarks toolbar. Directions for installation into browsers that do not support the drag and drop method are also provided. Once in place, when on a webpage using a form that has client-side validation, the bookmarklet can be activated by clicking it. it will dynamically insert a no validate attribute to the page's form element. This turns off the client-side validation. This is temporary, and is effective only while the page is currently in the browser and without the page being reloaded. Once clicked, submit the form. With client-side validation disabled, the submitted data is checked by the server-side validation. Yes, it really is that easy. When the web page is reloaded, the original client-side validation is restored.