Assignment 1


This assignment is a review of the concepts, skills and techniques that should have been learned in previous Web Frontend Development course(s). It requires you to apply these previous skills to work with the documents and processes from the activities, for a fictitious car dealership - CSE Motors.

When done, you will have:


All code must be your own. No outside templates, frameworks, code copied from the Internet, or another individual are acceptable for this assignment or future assignments in the course. Submission of work which violates this standard will result in a zero for the assignment and referral to the standards' office for disciplinary action.

Video Overview

This video provides a brief demonstration of what your finished assignment should look like and how it should behave once done. This is the Transcript of the video.


This enhancement assumes that you can code semantic and valid HTML5, CSS3 (including the use of media queries and responsive layouts) and implement basic usability concepts. The resource materials listed at the top of this document are meant to help brush up with these skills as needed.


The starter folder that you downloaded and implemented earlier contains the images and static folders needed. It is assumed that the routes, EJS layout and partials are fully operational from completing the activities.


Build the CSE Motors Home View

Modify the existing index.ejs file and partials as needed to produce the CSE Motors home view. The view must contain the content as shown in the images below:

  1. Picture of the CSE Motors home page for large screen
    CSE Motors home - Large Screen
    Picture of the CSE Motors home page for mobile screen
    CSE Motors home - Mobile Screen
  2. The content images (shown in the pictures) are found in the public > images folder.
  3. Write and implement CSS to position the page content to match as closely as possible the provided images for both large screen and mobile screen layouts.
  4. Include the media="screen" attribute for the CSS link element,
  5. Use a color scheme of your own choosing. However, selected colors must pass accessibility contrast checks with no errors.
  6. Use fonts of your choice, but they should provide a professional, easy to read, look and feel.
  7. Be fully responsive to a variety of devices so that the content loads without horizontal scrolling or zooming (see the video illustration below),
  8. Meet usability standards as checked using the WAVE browser extension. No accessibility or contrast errors should be present.
  9. Use external CSS for all styling. The CSS must:
    • be stored in the provided public > css folder,
    • start with a mobile first approach (this means that CSS for mobile devices is outside media queries),
    • be responsive to varying screen sizes of a variety of devices,
    • use media queries for responsive layout only for larger screen sizes (don't go overboard here, limit the number of media queries to one or two - but remember that CSS inside media queries adjusts styles for larger devices),
    • be of your own writing.
  10. be valid HTML5 and CSS3 code.



Here are resources that may be helpful to you as you complete this assignment.

Grading Matrix

Use the grading items below to pre-grade your work as these are the grading items the professor will use to grade the work.

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 6