CSE 325: .NET Software Development

Group Project


The group project is a software development project of the group's design / choice. The project is a major component and key assessment of the course. You will design and develop a web and/or mobile application of your own group's choice using the .NET technology stack.

Project Objectives

Project Specifications

Application Design and Development Standards

Group Project Submission

Each member of the group will submit the following artifacts in a single document:

  1. A link to the group's Azure DevOps Project.
  2. A link to the deployed web application site.
  3. A link to a group video that has each member participating and that demonstrates how the operational functionality and features of the application meet the objectives of the application.
    • Each member of the group presents a portion of the demonstration and uses their own camera when presenting.
    • The video length should be about ~5-7 minutes in duration.
    • The video should be uploaded to YouTube.

Peer Evaluation

Every group member is required to submit a comprehensive peer review that evaluates the individual performance and contributions of group members. This prescribed, evaluation document will be submitted in Canvas.