CSE 325: .NET Software Development

Installation and Building .NET MAUI Apps in VS Code


The .NET MAUI extension lets you develop and debug your app on devices, emulators, and simulators from VS Code. .NET MAUI and C# Dev Kit borrow some familiar features from Visual Studio to enhance your productivity, making your mobile and desktop development delightful with C# in VS Code.
Development Blogs – Microsoft


  1. Overview: Watch 🎦.NET MAUI Community Standup – Visual Studio Code – This video clip (stop around 32:50) is an overview only where you can observe some of the basics and relevant ecosystem conversations before installing and running it yourself.
  2. Setup/Installation ⚙️ .NET MAUI Installation. You will need to choose your setup based on your operating system.
    Be sure to select the Visual Studio Code (Preview) tab as we will maintain our approach using VS Code versus Visual Studio full.
    Enable .NET MAUI Extension Screenshot
    Figure 1: Enable the .NET MAUI Extension
  3. Complete Build your first app. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and run your first .NET MAUI application in Visual Studio Code. This will help to ensure that your development environment is correctly set up.


  1. Post your work to your repository.