CSE 325: .NET Software Development

Assignment: Create a .NET MAUI App


In this assignment, you will verify your installation of .NET MAUI extension for VS Code while creating a .NET MAUI application using the "Get Started with .NET MAUI" welcome tool.

It is true that this course exposes you to more than one .NET Framework based technology. The purpose is to provide a foundation for you to be able to work with any of the .NET technologies as you are exposed to them in the future. You will find that the ability to learn and adapt to new technologies is a valuable skill in the software development industry and required for your success.


  1. In VS Code, click on the View menu item and then click Command Palette...
  2. Type in "Welcome" in the provided textbox and click on Welcome: Open Walkthrough...
  3. Select the Get Started with .NET MAUI option.
    You can alternatively click on the MAUI Walkthrough on the Welcome screen. You may have to open up more walkthroughs by clicking on More... under the Walkthroughs section.

    The terminal window will automatically open to download packages. This is normal. The Welcome tab will provide you with the steps to create the small .NET MAUI application.

  4. Walkthrough each of the Get Started with .NET MAUI units.
    Screenshot of .NET MAUI Walkthrough
    Figure 1: Get Started with .NET MAUI Screenshot
    • Some steps of the walkthrough will take some time such as the installation of the MAUI workload.
    • When creating your .NET MAUI App, select .NET MAUI App.
    • Make sure to following any provided configuration prompts during the application folder setup.

      You can always get back to the Get Started with .NET MAUI welcome screen by using the View -> Command Pallette and then Welcome Open Walkthrough options.

  5. Update home page <h1> content from "Hello, world!" to your full name, e.g., "Sally Suarez".
  6. Screenshot your running application's home page.


  1. Upload your application to a repository.
  2. Take a screenshot of your application's rendered page.
  3. Submit the screenshot file in Canvas.